Free Rowing Workouts
Home > Free Rowing Workouts
Step up your Coaching with our Premium Rowing Programs
We've compiled our best rowing workouts and strategies into two programs that you can use for yourself or to provide high-quality coaching to your rowing students. Rowing programs include printable workout routines, technique video guides, scaling options, and suggested workout calendars.
Rock It Out
Crossrow Workouts
5 Rounds
- Row 500 meters (or 2 minutes)
- 5 medball squat cleans
- 10 hollow rocks (or the sit-up of your choice)
1000m Wonder
Crossrow Workouts
3-5 Rounds of:
- Row/Ski/Alternate 1000m
- 10 cleans
- 10 push-ups
- 10 single-arm KB thrusters
- 1-minute plank
- 10 sit-ups
Monster Meter Workout #9
Endurance Workouts
Row 10k, then:
Ski (optimal), row or run:
- 2000m
- 1500m
- 1000m
- 500m
- 250m
- 25 sit-ups
- 10 squats
- 15 push press
Swing It Out Rowing And Kettle Bell Workout
Crossrow Workouts
20-minutes - As Many Rounds As Possible
Row 500m (BikeErg 1000m)
- 5 two-handed KB swings
- 5 single-handed KB swings
- 5 two-handed upright rows
- 5 single-handed upright rows
- 5 single-handed cleans
- 5 single-handed snatch
- 5 goblet squats
Workout #2
Row & Go Workouts
Warm up for 10 minutes
Row/Ski 1000m
- 10 squat jumps
- 10 lateral lunges
- 10 sit-ups
- 10 jumping pull-ups
- 8 squat jumps
- 8 lateral lunges
- 8 sit-ups
- 8 jumping pull-ups
- 6 squat jumps
- 6 lateral lunges
- 6 sit-ups
- 6 jumping pull-ups
TRX Express
Crossrow Workouts
5000m Row Warm-up
Then 5 rounds for time of:
- 15 TRX Training sit-ups (hold a dumbbell for more resistance)
- 5 pull-ups
- 5 TRX handstand push-ups (scale with decline push-ups)
- 15 kettlebell squats
Body Weight Blast
Basic Workouts
3-5 Rounds
- Row 500 meters
- 5 push-ups
- 10 sit-ups of your choice
- 5 squats
- 10 jumping jacks
Skierg Blast
Crossrow Workouts
4 Rounds of:
- Ski 250m
- 10 KB squat to medball
- 10 elevated planks
- 10 medball sit-ups
- 2 wall walks (scale with a 1 min. plank hold with feet elevated on a bench or box)
BodyShop 60TH
Basic Workouts
Bodyshop 60th birthday workout. Adjust as necessary for the birthday you’re celebrating at your place. Warm up, then do 10 rounds of:
- Row or ski 60 seconds
- 6 push-ups
- 6 sit-ups
- 6 lunges
- 6 push press
- 6 side lunges
- 6 KB cleans
Workout #8
Crossrow Workouts
Set monitor for Intervals>Distance>Unlimited Rest and do the following. Be creative with the sit-ups, make a circuit with your favorite ab exercises:
Round 1:
- Row or ski 250m
- 10 burpees
- 30 sit-ups (choice)
- 8 burpees
- 6 burpees
- 75 sit-ups (choice)
- 4 burpees
- 100 sit-ups
Workout #6
Crossrow Workouts
3-5 rounds for time of:
- Ski 5 min
- Run 450 meters
- 5 box jumps
- 10 push-ups
- Row 1000 meters
Workout #1
Crossrow Workouts
Row or ski 1000m
- 10 cleans
- 10 burpees
- 5 pull-ups
- 10 cleans
- 8 burpees
- 5 pull-ups
- 10 cleans
- 6 burpees
- 5 pull-ups
- 10 cleans
- 6 burpees
- 5 pull-ups
Workout #4
Row & Go Workouts
Warm up, then set your rower monitor for Intervals>Variable>Time, with intervals of 1,2,3,4,3,2,1 minutes, with undefined rest. After each interval ski as many meters as you rowed, in however much time it takes you.
Downhill Ski
SkiErg Workouts
Warm up then ski (or row) for 1 minute followed by the following descending pyramid:
21-18-15-12-10 reps of:
- Squats
- Push Press
- Sit-Ups
- Jumping lunges (scale with squat jumps or jumping jacks, L/R=2 reps)
Fabulous 5K
Endurance Workouts
Warm up then do:
- 0m -1000m Find your working pace (split), where you can talk but you’d rather not
- 1k – 2k Rolling 100s: Alternate rowing hard for 100 meters, then paddling for 100 meters
- 2k – 3k Working pace (that you found in the first 1000m) for 500 meters, then row hard for 500 meters
- 3k – 4k Easy row for the first 200 meters, rolling 100s for the next 800 meters, row hard for the last 200 meters
- 4k – 5k Repeat the sequence above, sprinting the last 200 meters
Tuesday Twofer
Basic Workouts
Row two 20-minute pieces with 7-minute paddle rest in between. Row the pieces as follows:
5 min at 20 SPM
5 min at 22 SPM
5 min at 24 SPM
3 min at 26 SPM
2 min at 28-30 SPM
5-4-3 GO!
Crossrow Workouts
5 min row or ski then:
- 15 push-ups
- 15 KB swings
- 15 goblet squats
- 14 push press
- 14 lunges
- 14 jumping jacks
- 13 sit-ups
- 13 squat jumps
- 13 sit-ups
Endurance Workouts
Warm up 5 minutes
Set monitor to Intervals>Variable and do 6 – 10 rounds of:
- 1000m row, alternating easy to hard every 100 meters, rowing 22 spm on the easy and 26 spm on the hard
- 1 minute rest
Basic Workouts
15-minute Cardio Warmup Of Your Choice
3 rounds of:
- Row 4 minutes
- 9 DB snatches
- 9 med-ball sit-ups
March Madness
Row & Go Workouts
1000m row warmup
Then do 3-4 rounds of:
- 30 push-ups
- 30 strokes on the Concept2 SkiErg (or substitute pull-ups)
- 30 squats
- 30 sit-ups
- 300m row
Rowlympics Ready
Basic Workouts
3000m Row Warm-up
Five rounds of:
- 1000m row, alternating challenging and sustainable pace every 100 meters
- 10 thrusters
- 10 push-ups
- 10 sit-ups
- 5 pull-ups
Monster Meter Workout #8
Endurance Workouts
Start with a 60-minute steady-state row at a challenging pace, alternating between 22 and 24 strokes per minute.
When done do 100 pushups, situps, squats in any combination you like, just be sure to finish them all.
Swing It Out
Crossrow Workouts
Set your monitor, using Intervals>Variable>Distance with Undefined Rest for: 1500, 1000, 750, 500, 250m
In between do descending sets of 15-10-7-5-3 reps:
- Kettlebell swings
- Push-ups
- Sumo squats with a twist
- Kettlebell cleans
Skierg Blast
SkiErg Workouts
4 Rounds:
- Ski 250m
- 10 KB squat to medball (or a box or whatever else you have that will prevent you from cheating on the squat)
- 10 elevated planks
- 10 medball sit-ups
- 2 wall walks (scale with a 1 min. plank hold with feet elevated on a bench or box)
Meet The Matrix
Extreme Workouts
5000m Row Warm-up
- 3000m ski
- 5 dumbbell matrix
- 10 TRX sit-ups
- 5 TRX back extensions
- 3 wall walks
- Ski 2000m
- 4 matrix
- 10 TRX sit-ups
- 5 TRX back extensions
- 3 wall walks
- Ski 1000m
- 3 matrix
- 10 TRX Training sit-ups
- 5 TRX back extensions
- 2 wall walks
- Ski 500m
- 2 matrix
- 10 TRX Training sit-ups
- 5 TRX back extensions
- 2 wall walks
Monster Meter Workout #2
Endurance Workouts
(A boredom buster that lets you grab meters on both the Concept2 rowing machine and the SkiErg)
Warm up with a 5k row, then 5 rounds of:
- 5-minute row (Set your monitor for a 5-minute time intervals workout with unlimited rest)
- 25 sit-ups
- 5-10 push-ups
- 500 meter ski
Endurance Rowing Workout
Endurance Workouts
2-3000m warmup
3-4 rounds:
- Row 1000m
- 10 cleans
- 10 push-ups
- 10 single-arm KB thrusters (L/R=2)
- 1 min. plank
Workout #11
Crossrow Workouts
Today’s UCanRow2 workout uses the TRX Training suspension strap. Save some energy for the late rounds, this one creeps up on you:
- 2000m warmup on the indoor rower
- Stretch
- Do the following pyramids one by one (not in a circuit) with 1 minute rest between each round of an exercise
- TRX squat: 50-40-30-20-10
- Push-ups: 30-20-10-8-6
- TRX standing back extension: 15-10-8-6-4
- TRX power pulls: 8-8-8
- 2x 30-30-30 second plank, facing forward first, then lateral on both sides
Just Row
Row & Go Workouts
Row intervals of 1-2-3-3-2-1 mins. (total 6 rounds), with the same amount of rest on each round.
Start each round with a few short strokes to get going and build to your rating. Each piece (interval) should be done at 80 percent of your max: You can talk but you’d rather not. Stroke rating 24-30 strokes per minute.
Use how you feel to determine what stroke rating to hold, your goal is to maintain the same split within about 5 seconds on each round. If you find you can’t talk, you’re going too hard!
Make it easier: Back off on the intensity, or lower your stroke rating
Make it harder: Work to take 5-10 seconds off your split on each round
Total time: 24 minutes plus your warmup
Monster Meter Workout
Endurance Workouts
- Row 3-5000 meters, get off the machine
- 10 pushups
- 25 sit-ups
- 30-second plank
Balls To The Walls (And Floors)
Crossrow Workouts
5 Rounds
- 2-minute Row/Ski/Run/Walk
- 10 KB swings
- 10 cleans (either with a bar or KB. Do 5 on a side if you use a kettlebell)
- 10 ball slams
- 10 wall balls
Hello Monday
Crossrow Workouts
- 1000m row/ski/bike
- 10 DB plank row
- 10 DB thrusters
- 750m row/ski/bike
- 10 push-ups
- 10 hollow rocks/ sit-ups
- 500m row/ski/bike
- 10 DB snatch
- 250m SPRINT!
Monster Meter Workout #3
Endurance Workouts
(Pyramids to keep it interesting)
Set up a “new workout” on your rowing machine to Intervals> Distance: Variable.
Set up intervals of 5,000, 4,000, 3,000, 2,000 and 1,000 meters, with “unlimited rest” between each.
Between each interval:
- Ski 500 meters
- Optional: 25 situps and 10 pushups
Rowing “Eva”
Basic Workouts
(4-5 rounds)
Row 1,000 meters
30 kb swings
30 pull ups / ring rows
Dueling Flywheels
Endurance Workouts
6 x 1k alternating Row/Ski, with 1 minute to switch machines. On both machines go at a steady-state, challenging pace.
No SkiErg? Sub in run or bike for the time it takes you to row 1K.
Endurance Recovery Workout
Endurance Workouts
Spin/bike or run: 30-60 min, talking pace
Circuit of 10 rounds of 5 reps, for time: push-ups, pullups, one arm dumbbell snatch, air squats, situps (scale/adjust these exercises to your fitness level and ability)
SkiErg/Row – 10 min cooldown
Workout #2
Crossrow Workouts
3 rounds of:
- Row 2 min
- Ski 1 min
- 30 tabata sit-ups
- Row 2 min
- Ski 1 min
- 20 jumping jack pushups
- Row 2 min
- Ski 1 min
- Lateral plank, 50m
- 20 box jumps
- 50 Row-ups
Here’s 2 You Version 2
Endurance Workouts
2222m Row
- 22 Pushups
- 22 Lunges Or Trx Sprinter’s Start Knee-up (Left And Right Count As Two)
- 22 Jumping Pull-ups Or Trx Muscle-ups
- 22 Sit-ups
Five For Fighting
SkiErg Workouts
Ski 5-4-3-2-1 minutes
In between do 15-12-10-8-5 reps of the following:
- Sit-ups
- Dumbbell snatch (l/R = 2)
- Squats
- Push ups, or push press (or sub 3 wall walks each round)
- KB swings
Pyramids Plus
Basic Workouts
This workout uses the TRX suspension strap. Save some energy for the late rounds, this one creeps up on you.
- 2k warmup on the indoor rower
- Stretch
- TRX squat: 50-40-30-20-10
- Push-ups: 30-20-10-8-6
- TRX standing back extension: 15-10-8-6-4
- TRX power pulls: 8-8-8
- 2x 30-30-30 second plank, facing forward first, then lateral on both sides
Push-Pull Palooza
Crossrow Workouts
4 Rounds, Descending Pyramid:
Row 1 minute, In between do 12-9-7-5 repetitions of:
- Push-ups
- TRX or weighted squats / air squats
- Push press
- Sit-ups
- KB swings
Leapin’ Leap Day
Basic Workouts
Warm up 2900m
- 10x 29 strokes at RACE pace and 29 recovery paddle
- 29 burpees
- OR – 29 push-ups
- OR – 29 squats
- OR – 29 sit-ups
- OR – 3×29 sec plank
- EASY cool down paddle row
- Bike or Jog 10 Min
Workout #9
Crossrow Workouts
Use your rowing machine for the whole workout if you don’t have access to a SkiErg.
Warm up and do 5 rounds of:
- 500m row
- 10 push press
- 10 kettlebell swings
- 250m row or ski
- 10 push press
- 10 kettlebell swings
Chad Row
Basic Workouts
Warm up then do 2-3 rounds of the following:
- 6 minute row with 10 damper @ 18 SPM
- 5 minute row with 8.5 damper @ 20 SPM
- 4 minute row with 7 damper @ 22 SPM
- 3 minute row with 5 damper @ 24 SPM
- 3 minute row with 3 damper @ 26 SPM
- 1 minute row with 1 damper @ 28 SPM
Sweet Sixteen
Basic Workouts
Set monitor after warm up for 16 minutes and row hard for max meters. Cool down with an easy paddle for 3-5 mins when done.
3 rounds of finishers after rowing:
- 10 sit-ups
- 5 push-ups
- 10 air squats
3-2-1 Row
Crossrow Workouts
Need to work on your speed on the erg and build strength? This workout’s for you:
30-minute row
- Race-pace 20 strokes at 1000m
- 30 strokes at 2000m
- 40 strokes at 3000m
- 50 strokes at 4000m
- 20 strokes at 5000m
- 10 strokes at 6000m
- Real push-ups
- Wall balls (or kettlebell swings)
- Pull-ups
Crew Classic
Basic Workouts
Warm up, then set your monitor for Intervals>Variable>Distance, with Unlimited Rest
- Row 3000m @ 26 strokes per minute
- 30 push-ups
- 30 squats
- 30 sit ups
- Row 2000m @ 26-28 strokes per minute
- 20 push-ups
- 20 jump squats
- 20 sit ups
- Row 1000m @ 28-30 strokes per minute
- 10 burpees
- 1-minute plank
- 50 sit ups
- Row 1000m @ 28-30 strokes per minute
Greenville Groove
Basic Workouts
Warm-up 10 mins
Set your monitor for Intervals>Time with Unlimited Rest and program in intervals of 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1 minutes of work
After each rowing piece get off the erg and do:
- 10 push-ups
- 10 squats
- 10 sit-ups
- 10 dips off the monorail
Workout #1
Row & Go Workouts
Warm up, then row 5 minutes at 75-85 percent intensity (you can talk but you’d rather not) followed by 5 pull-ups or 10 push-ups PLUS 10 jump squats or 10 lunges. Do at least 4 rounds.
Ski A Minute
Extreme Workouts
Ski 1 min
- 9 DB snatch
- 9 superman's
- 9 burpees
- 3 wall walks
- 9 thrusters
- 9 standing broad jump
Sarah’s Crabby Workout
Basic Workouts
(This is what happens if you come to work crabby at UCanRow2)
2k warm-up on the Concept2 Indoor Rower
- Ski 250m
- 50 TRX Training squats
- 10 handstand pushups (scale as needed)
- 10 pullups
- 20 TRX situps
- Row 250m
- 30 squats
- 8 handstand pushups
- 8 pullups
- 15 situps
- Ski 250m
- 20 squats
- 6 handstand pushups
- 6 pullups
- 10 situps
- Row 250m
- 10 squats
- 4 handstand pushups
- 4 pullups
- 8 situps
Swing It Out
SkiErg Workouts
20-minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
- SkiErg 500m (BikeErg 1000m)
- 5 two-handed KB swings
- 5 single-handed KB swings
- 5 two-handed upright rows
- 5 single-handed upright rows
- 5 single-handed cleans
- 5 single-handed snatch
- 5 goblet squats
Workout #7
Row & Go Workouts
This is especially good if you can mix in a SkiErg, but it can be done with the rower alone, too. Warm up with your choice of cardio, then set your monitor for Intervals>Time, with 4 mins of work and unlimited rest (or 2 mins of rest if your monitor doesn’t have the unlimited rest feature).
5 rounds of:
- Row or ski 4 minutes (alternating if you have both)
- 10 push-ups
- 20 sit ups
Cassi’s Pyramid
Endurance Workouts
10-minute warmup
Then row the following intervals, with 3 minutes of paddle (easy rowing) in between
250-500-750-1000-750-500-250 meters
DogsRow2 Workout
Basic Workouts
Warm up, then do 5 rounds of the following:
- Run 400m or row 500m
- 1 rope climb or 10 ring rows
- 10 kettle bell swings
- 10 push press
- 10 box jumps
- 20 sit-ups
Sprint Ski
SkiErg Workouts
AMRAP 15 mins
- Ski 250m
- 1-5 DB snatch pyramid (Do 1 snatch left, 1 right; then 2 left, 2 right; and so on until you get to five in a row on each side)
Workout #3
Crossrow Workouts
- Ski 2k
- 10 push press
- 10 box jumps
- 10 double unders
- 10 push-ups
- 10 jumping pull-ups
Terry’s Ladder
Basic Workouts
Warm up well, then row (or ski or do a mix) 1-3 rounds of:
- Row 250m
- 25 push-ups
- Row 500m
- 50 squats
- Row 750m
- 75 jump rope
- Row 1000m
- 100 sit ups
The Calorie Burner
Crossrow Workouts
3 Rounds of 50–40–30cals row/ski/bike.
In between each round do:
- 10 DB/bar deadlifts
- 10 bent-over rows
- 10 reverse lunges
- 10 OH press
Terrific Tuesday
Basic Workouts
- Ski or row 2000m
- 30 squats
- 10 handstand push-ups
- 10 regular push-ups
- Ski or row 1000m
- 25 squats
- 8 handstand push-ups
- 8 regular push-ups
- Ski or row 750m
- 20 squats
- 6 handstand push-ups
- 6 regular push-ups
- Ski or row 500m
- 15 squats
- 4 handstand push-ups
- 4 regular push-ups
- 60 TRX or regular sit-ups
Basic Blast
Row & Go Workouts
Row/SkiErg or alternate 5 minutes
In between each row or ski do:
- 10 kettlebell swings
- 10 sit-ups
- 10 push-ups
- 10 air squats
Super Saturday
Basic Workouts
- Row 3000m (24-26 spm)
- 30 pushups, 30 push press, 30 situps
- Row 2000m
- 20 pushups, 20 push press, 20 situps
- Row 1000m
- 10 pushups, 10 push press, 10 situps
- Row or ski 500m HARD (24-30 spm)
Workout #5
Crossrow Workouts
Warm up on the erg then Run 400 meters.
Then do 12-10-8-6-4 sets of:
- Push press
- TRX Training roll outs
- TRX back extension
- Box jumps
- Decline or regular push-ups
Workout #3
Row & Go Workouts
Warm up 10 minutes, then four rounds of:
- Row 2 minutes at 26 spm
- 1 minute paddle
- Row 3 minutes at 26 spm
- 2 minute paddle
Workout #5
Row & Go Workouts
Row 2000m
- 20 push-ups (or TRX Training chest presses)
- 20 kettlebell swings
- 10 push-ups
- 10 KB swings
- 10 sit-ups
- 10 TRX mountain climbers or bicycle crunches
- 5 pull-ups
- 5 burpees
Ready, Set, GO ROW!!!
Basic Workouts
3000m Warm-up Row
Set monitor to Intervals > Distance, and program in 7 rounds of 400m with unlimited rest. After each 400m perform the following:
- 10 pushups
- 20 situps
- 30 squats
- 40-second plank
Workout #4
Crossrow Workouts
5 rounds for time of:
- Run 400 meters
- 20 squats
- 10 box jumps
- 20 sit-ups
- 10 push-ups
- Row 500m
Workout #7
Crossrow Workouts
This workout can be done as a relay in teams of three. Team members begin all three activities in the round, and when the rower completes the 250m piece he or she then tags the next person and everyone switches. Do not move on to the next round until everyone has done every exercise on the current round. On Round 3, team members switch once the runner has completed the run.
This workout can also be done by individuals, just do the non-cardio activities (push-ups, frog jumps, etc.) for one minute.
Do the three-round circuit twice (for a total of 6 rounds) … unless you challenge the coach, in which case it’s three circuits, for a total of 9 rounds.
Warm up with 850m jog + stretch
Round 1
- Row 250m
- push-ups
- shuttle run
- Row 250m
- walking lunges (50 yards)
- frog jumps
- Row 250m (at least)
- crunches
- Run 450m
With Weight, or Without
Basic Workouts
15 min. cardio warmup
5 rounds, 5–4–3–2–1 min ski or row
In between do 15-20-12-8-5 reps of:
- Squats
- Kettle bell swings
- Push-ups
- Sit-ups
- Bridge with press
Body-weight Blast
Crossrow Workouts
AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) 20 mins of:
- Row 500m
- 10 lunges
- 10 push-ups
- 10 burpees / step-ups
- 8 thrusters / squats
- 25 jumping jacks
- 3 broad jumps
Monster Meter Workout #7
Endurance Workouts
Ski 6k
Row 5k
Ski 4k
Row 3k
Ski 2k
Row 1k
Cool down and done!
Twisted Tuesday
Crossrow Workouts
5000m Warm-up Row, then 10 Rounds of:
- 10 One-arm snatch
- 1 minute jump rope
- 10 push press
- 10 situps
- 10 handstand pushups
- 10 squats
Workout #12
Crossrow Workouts
This workout comes courtesy of Concept2 Approved Indoor Rowing Instructor Leeny Hoffman of CrossFit St. Louis. Try it and tell us what you think in the comments!
Fun With the “Girls”
- Row 2 mins
- 40 double unders (100 singles)
- 40 situps
- Row 1 min
- 5 pull-ups
- 10 push-ups
- 15 air squats
- Row 2 mins
- 30 wall balls
- Row 1 min
- 7,5,3 pull-ups, thrusters
Monster Meter Workout #5
Endurance Workouts
Set your rower monitor for Intervals>Variable with the following intervals of work and rest:
- 5000m /3 min rest
- 4000m/3 min rest
- 3000m/ 2min rest
- 2000m/3min rest
- 1000m/5 min cooldown!
Extreme Workouts
Warm-up row – 15 mins
Then do the following for time, 10-8-6-4 reps of:
- ManMakers
- Pull-Ups
- Plank side walks (12 feet across per side)
Workout #13
Crossrow Workouts
Mix it Up!
Set your monitor for Intervals>Variable>Time. Row 5,4,3,2,1 min with unlimited rest. Do the following after each interval:
- 10 push ups
- 10 kettlebell swings
- 10 push press
- Run 400m
3-2-1 Row #2
Crossrow Workouts
10-minute Row Warm-up
2 rounds of:
- 3-minute row
- 2-minute ski
- 1 minute air squats
- 1 minute plank
- 2 minutes cleans
- 3 minutes situps
- Run 400 meters
Make It Clean
Extreme Workouts
10-15-minute row, ski or bike warmup
21-18-15-12-9 sets of:
- Cleans
- (Wo)manmakers
Monster Meter Workout #6
Endurance Workouts
5k warm-up row, then do three rounds of:
- SkiErg 250m (or do 5 pullups if you don’t have a SkiErg)
- 25 lunges (left and right legs count as 1)
- 100 single jumps with a jump rope
- 5k cooldown row
It’s Wicked
Crossrow Workouts
Row/Ski 4 mins then:
- 10 goblet squats
- 15 medball sit-ups
- 10 DB press
- 10 DB row
- 10 pull-ups
- 10 walking lunges
Chad Row #2
Basic Workouts
Warm up well, then do 4 rounds of the following:
- Row or ski 43 calories
- 10 push press
- 10 front squats
- 13 hollow rocks
- 10 wall balls
Dirty Dozen
Row & Go Workouts
15-min cardio warmup of your choice
Four rounds for time of:
- 12 pull ups (do them jumping or with assist if needed)
- 12 weighted walking lunges
- 12 dumbbell rows (from the push up position)
- 30 bicycle abs
- 15 kettlebell swings
Jeff’s Jam
Endurance Workouts
(From Certified Instructor Jeff Prejean of CrossFit Southbank)
Row 6 rounds of 1000m, resting (paddling) the same amount of time it took you to row each 1000m interval.
Aim to drop your split every round.
Erg For Intervals
Basic Workouts
Warm up, then do 6-10 rounds of:
- Row 1 minute hard
- 2-minutes easy
Row-ling 100S
Endurance Workouts
10-min warmup then 1000 meters of work with 500m rest for at least 6 rounds (Always scale to your ability!).
The 1000m pieces alternate 100m at 85% effort (you can talk but you’d rather not) at 26 strokes per minute with 100m moderate effort at 22-24 spm. The 500m of rest are at a paddle pace, 22-24 spm.
Finish with floor work of your choice (push-ups, planks/abs, etc.).
Bodyshop Workout #1
Basic Workouts
If you don’t have a SkiErg, you can do this workout all rowing. Substitute regular squats and sit-ups if you don’t have a TRX.
Warm up then do 2-3 rounds for time of the following:
- 250m row
- 10 TRX squats
- 15 TRX sit-ups
- 250m ski
- 10 push press
- 10 dumbbell snatches
- 500m row
- 10 push-ups
- 10 TRX squats
- 500m ski
- 10 TRX sit-ups
- 10 TRX squats
- 10 dumb bell snatch
2-1-5 Go Row!
Endurance Workouts
Warm up, then do two rounds (more as needed to meet your meter target) of the following:
Row 2000m
- 20 push-ups (or TRX Training chest presses)
- 20 kettlebell swings
- 10 push-ups, 10 KB swings
- 10 sit-ups
- 10 TRX mountain climbers or bicycle crunches
- 5 pull-ups
- 5 burpees
Rock It Out #2
Crossrow Workouts
AMRAP 25 mins
- Row or SkiErg 500 meters
- 12 boat rockers/sit-ups or hollow rocks
- 10 spider crawls or a 44-second plank
Workout #6
Row & Go Workouts
Row a Minute!
Warm up well, with 10-20 minutes of easy rowing or other cardio
Set your monitor for a minute of work and unlimited rest.
Row rounds of 1 minute on, rotating with 1 minute of these exercises in any order you like: jump rope, push ups, power jacks, burpees, mountain climbers, sit ups, lunges, 20′ shuttle run, box jumps.
No rest, just keep moving!
6 to 1 Fun
Crossrow Workouts
5000m row warmup, then do a total of 6 rounds of the following moves, in this descending pyramid of reps (21 reps total for each move):
6-5-4-3-2-1 sets of:
- Pull-ups
- Medball cleans
- Press (push, overhead, or split leg)
- DB deadlift
Froggy Fun
Crossrow Workouts
AMRAP 25 Mins
- Row 2 mins
- 5 push-ups
- 10 frog jumps
- 5 wall balls
- 30 sec. battle ropes
- Burpee tire jumps
- 10 sledges on tire (5 each side)
Five for Fighting
Row & Go Workouts
Row 5-4-3-2-1 minutes
In between do 15-12-10-8-5 reps of the following:
- Sit-ups
- Dumbbell snatch (l/R = 2)
- Squats
- Push ups, or push press (or sub 3 wall walks each round)
- KB swings
Workout #14
Crossrow Workouts
Substitute rowing for the ski if you don’t have a Concept2 SkiErg:
Warm up, then do 3 rounds of the following (for time but emphasizing good form):
- Run 400m
- 20 squats
- 15 jumping pull-ups
- 15 push-ups
- 5 double unders
- 15 kettlebell swings
- 20 sit-ups
- 3-way plank (front and both sides), 30 secs on each side
- 250m ski
- 10 push press
Workout #10
Crossrow Workouts
Set your monitor for Intervals>Variable with undefined rest
- 3000m easy row warmup
- 20 front squats
- 20 pushups
- 10 pullups
- 2000m row at 75-80% pressure
- 15 pushups
- 20 squat jumps
- 10 kettlebell swings
5-4-3-2-1 Blastoff!
Row & Go Workouts
- 500m, 50 air squats, 50 sit-ups
- 400m, 40 air squats, 40 sit-ups
- 300m, 30 air squats, 30 sit-ups
- 200m, 20 air squats, 20 sit-ups
- 100m, 10 air squats, 10 sit-ups
Monster Meter Workout #4
Endurance Workouts
Warm up, then row or ski 1-3 rounds of 3500m w/5 min rest. Set your monitor for Intervals>Distance and GO!
If you’re rowing keep it at 24-26 strokes per minute on the work, 20-22 on the rest, and on either machine you want to be in a cardio zone (you can talk but you don’t want to).
Don’t forget to log your meters!
Watts In A Name?
Endurance Workouts
Warm up 10-15 mins, include stretching
Set Monitor for intervals – time and set for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 min with 1 min rest
Have monitor on watts screen.
Row at 60-100 percent of your body weight in pounds, depending on your fitness level. 26 strokes per minute on the work intervals, except 26-28 spm for the 1- and 2-minute pieces.
Cool down and stretch
Workout time total: 45-50 mins depending on cooldown length.
Form and Foundation
Extreme Workouts
NOTE: Because of the high damper settings this is an Extreme workout that is not intended for novice rowers.
Warm up well!
- 6min at 18spm – damper @ 10
- 5min at 20spm – @ 8.5
- 4min at 22spm – @ 7
- 3min at 24spm – @ 5
- 2min at 26spm – @ 3
- 1min at 28spm – @ 1
Trail Travel
SkiErg Workouts
Ski 2000m
- 15 DB snatch
- 10 hollow rocks or other sit-ups
- 15 DB snatch
- 10 hollow rocks or other sit-ups
- 15 DB snatch
- 10 hollow rocks or other sit-ups
Crossrow Workouts
AMRAP 15 mins (after a good warmup)
- Row 4 mins
- 9 DB snatch (do 9 left then 9 right)
- 9 med ball sit-ups
Firecracker Fourth Workout
Endurance Workouts
Warm up for 10 min – stretch
Set erg or SkiErg monitor for 7418m
And GO!
Set monitor after warm up for Intervals:Distance, 500m row/ski with unlimited rest
Then do:
- 7 burpees
- 4 pull ups
- 18 pushups