Personalized Nutrition for midlife and beyond So You Can Live Full Out

Transform Your Nutrition, Transform Your Life



Kick confusion, overwhelm, and the social media influencers to the curb! Work one-on-one with a coach to learn exactly how to adapt your nutrition choices so they power you through THIS stage of life.


Build trust in your food choices with a coach who understands the unique challenges of midlife and beyond, so you can feel empowered in every decision you make.


Get a personalized nutrition plan from an expert coach so you get the results you want, without having to shoehorn yourself into someone else's idea of how you "should" be eating.

Nutrition Coaching for Where You Are Now -- From a Coach Who's Been There

Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the conflicting information about nutrition and weight loss during menopause and midlife?

You're not alone.

Many people reach this stage of life and find themselves confused by contradictory advice, unsure of what to eat to feel their best. You may feel like you're living in a body you don't recognize, and the strategies that worked in the past no longer seem effective.

It's frustrating and can leave you feeling stuck.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

With personalized nutrition coaching, you can cut through the noise, gain clarity, and understand exactly what your body needs to thrive during this transformative stage of life.

Sign Up and get:

A Coach in Your Corner: Check-in calls to review your progress, erase any barriers, and set your action plan every month

A Plan As Unique As You: A customized nutrition program tailored to your needs as a person in midlife and beyond

Support When You Need It: Daily access to your coach outside of your calls via voice, email, or text M-F

Plan in Your Pocket: Take your program with you and track your progress on your phone

You deserve to Eat Well AND Feel Great

Hey there! I'm Sarah Fuhrmann, a certified nutrition and menopause coach (in addition to being CEO of UCanRow2).

I've had my own journey with nutrition and fitness over the years - especially once menopause hit. I suffered all the symptoms, including weight gain that refused to budge no matter what I tried.

That's when I got inspired to learn everything I could about nutrition for midlife and beyond.

When I started on this journey I felt so uncomfortable in my own skin I barely wanted to leave the house.

Fast forward to today: I'm eating foods I love, coaching rowing classes, lifting more weight than ever, and wearing clothes I never thought I would at this age.

I want the same for you, and I'm excited to help you get there!


My Qualifications:

Certified Nutrition Coach - Precision Nutrition
Certified Sleep, Stress & Recovery Coach - Precision Nutrition
Certified Menopause Coaching Specialist - Girls Gone Strong
Functional Aging Specialist - Functional Aging Institute
Certified Indoor Rowing Instructor - Concept2/UCanRow2

Headshot of Sarah

What Clients Say


"The results I've experienced as Sarah's client speak for themselves. One year later, I've lost weight and seen an increase in my overall energy. As a result, I've added weekly weight sessions at the gym, and am rowing toward a goal of 1 million meters for this year's indoor rowing season." - Ed B. - USA

"I feel less hungry and less like looking for where my next snack is going to come from.

And it feels like I'm sleeping almost normally, which you're talking to somebody who hasn't slept well for probably four years." - Pat T. - USA

"Before I would previously have failed (at coaching), gone away, and gone back to no focus. This time, you have helped me work out what I need to do and what I want. For the first time in a long time, I can see what's possible and envision myself how I want to be!" Karen L. - United Kingdom

You Ready?

 If you're ready to make a change I would love to work with you!  

The investment for coaching is US$297/month or save with a 3- or 6-month package (Book a call with me and I'll help you choose the right one for you).

If you have questions or would like to learn more about coaching, book a free 15-minute call with me or drop me an email. I promise to give you my honest recommendation, including if I think another coaching solution would work better for you.