Try this interval workout of the day on your own or in a group. Pick whatever kind of weight you want to use on the weighted portion of the workout (the cleans, squats and presses). You can use kettlebells, dumbbells, bars, milk jugs, cement blocks, or nothing at all.
Remember that our muscles don’t have eyes or egos, they only care about being challenged. Pick up the weight that challenges you but also allows you to do the move correctly.
Never sacrifice form for the sake of picking up heavier weight. The minute your form fails, either move to a lighter weight or take a quick break until you feel ready to go again. If you can’t do it correctly at all, call it a day for that exercise.
If you’re doing this interval workout of the day at the gym, don’t worry about how you look. Just get busy! Nobody’s looking closely anyway, they’re too worried about how THEY look. Ha!
Interval workout: A NOTE FOR INSTRUCTORS
If you’re a personal trainer or group coach, this is a great one to do with multiple athletes, especially if you don’t have enough ergs for everyone. You can easily have everyone start at a different point in the workout and work their way around the circuit.
Be sure to review each off-machine move before you begin class. Remind your athletes of no more than a couple of key technique pointers for each exercise. They won’t be able to keep much more than that in mind as they get tired.
Want more workouts like this? Download our FREE workout set that gives you 5 rowing workouts that focus on the 5 key areas of fitness. Use your rowing machine to stronger in ALL the ways!
Got an interval workout you’d like us to try? Post it to the comments, we might add it to our online repertoire, and give you credit for it!
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