Equipment needed: Concept2 rower, SkiErg, BikeErg. Dumbbells; kettlebells; TRX, rings or a pull-up bar
This is a killer workout especially if you have the Concept2 rower, SkiErg and BikeErg. No problem though if you don’t have all three, just use whatever you have it’ll still be a great sweat. If you have access to a TRX strap you can use that in place of the ring rows and do a TRX row instead, which is a great option to scale the move to any ability level.
To be clear, in between the 3-minute cardio intervals, you’ll do descending amounts of reps on each round. So it’s 10 reps of everything on the first round, then 8 on the second, and 6 on the third.
The fact that you’re dropping down in volume means you might be able to up your effort on the Concept2 rower or other cardio. Or try increasing the weight on at least a few of the reps as you go through the workout. We usually have a couple of options of weights of kettlebells for the goblet squats, for example. As soon as we fail at one weight, we immediately set it down and pick up the lighter weight to keep going.
With only 3-minute rounds on the Concept2 rower, you should be able to push hard (whatever that looks like for you). You want to be at a point where you could give one- or two-word answers to a question, but you’d rather not. A racing start will help you get the flywheel moving quickly so you can make the most of your interval.
Want more interval workouts like this? We have lots you can grab for free in our Workouts section. Or, if you’re ready to level up to a done-for-you training program, check out #MeterMonster and #FlywheelFrenzy, our 4-week rowing workout programs.
Try this and let us know how it goes in the comments. We can’t wait to hear!