Updated Feb. 28, 2023
5 Row Machine Workouts to Boost Your Training
If you’re reading this you may already know that row machine workouts are an excellent choice for low-impact, total-body fitness that will work for you at any age or fitness level.
What a lot of people don’t know is that to get the best fitness results from rowing, and be the best rower you can, a mix of rowing workouts is what you want to go for.
It’s the way competitive on-water rowers train, and one of the ways they become more well-rounded athletes.
So rather than the usual 20- to 25-minute workout, it’s smart to mix endurance and sprint workouts along with those mid-range pieces.
Side benefit of an endurance workout: You’ll reap cardiovascular gains that will transfer over to your strength training.
And endurance work will also help make you a better rower by giving you more time to practice your technique!
To help us with this post, we turned to two of our UCanRow2/Concept2 master instructors who teach our instructor certification seminars: Lead Master Instructor Cassi Niemann and Master Instructor Cheryl Arends.
Both veterans of on-water rowing competitions, Cassi and Cheryl share some of their favorite rowing machine workouts here: You know, those ones you love to hate, but kind of love more than hate once you’re done with them.
And don’t worry, sprint fans, we’ve got some shorter, power-focused workouts for you too so read on!
Why Is Rowing a Good Workout?
If you’re looking for a full-body workout that targets multiple muscle groups all at once, then row machine workouts are an excellent option.
Not only is it a great cardiovascular exercise, but rowing also strengthens your legs, core, back, and arms on every single stroke.
In fact, it works 86 percent of all the muscles in your body!
Your quads, hamstrings, and glutes get an especially great workout on the machine, as 60 percent of the stroke comes from the legs.
Along with the SkiErg, you’ll be hard-pressed to come up with another machine that’s as efficient, effective, and safe.
5 Row Machine Workouts That Rowers Love to Hate
These workouts are all-rowing, sometimes longer than usual, and often more specific about the prescribed stroke rating (the number of strokes you take in a minute).
Try them as a nice way to switch it up, build some cardio base or practice your sprints. And channel your inner on-water racer!
To warm up:
Here’s a 10-minute warmup number that Cassi likes to do:
4 minutes at 22 strokes per minute
3 mins at 24 spm
2 mins at 26 spm
1 min at 28 spm
NOTE: If you need more warmup, feel free to add a few more minutes at 22 spm if you have time, or do a second round of the whole sequence.
To get faster at rowing:
Three rounds of 6 minutes with a 3-minute paddle rest in between:
2 mins at 20 strokes per minute
1 min at 26 spm
2 mins at 22 spm
1 min at 28-30 spm
NOTE: In rowing, you don’t stop until the workout (or the race!) is over. Instead, you “paddle,” by rowing easy with no pressure.
6 rounds of 1000 meters at mid-race pace.
If you need to recover a bit between rounds on this row machine workout, row at an easy paddle for a few minutes until you’re ready to go again.
If you don’t know what your mid-race pace is, aim to keep your intensity for the workout high enough that you could only give a one- or two-word answer to a question but not more.
Do the first three rounds using a racing start. On the last three rounds ramp up as you start the piece, then sprint to the finish.
Row the following pyramid:
250m – 500m – 750m – 1000m – 750m – 500m – 250m, with 3 mins paddle rest between each piece.
To build endurance:
Row two, 25-minute rounds at 18-20 spm
Focus on your technique and settle into a rhythm you can maintain.
You decide how hard you want to row this one, either at a conversational pace or slightly higher but still sustainable, where you can answer a question in a full sentence but you’d rather not.
NOTE: This workout is as much a mental challenge as anything else. Our 10 ways to kill 10K post might help you get through this one.
12-minute rounds at 16-19 strokes per minute, working on driving powerfully and a S-L-O-W recovery.
Cheryl’s crew does 6 rounds of this (OMG!). Listen to your body and cut that back as needed. We recommend starting with no more than TWO rounds and taking it from there.
If you’re doing this row machine workout correctly, you’ll be driving HARD (but smoothly) off the catch and then really taking your time on the recovery. You’ll be breathing hard despite the slow stroke rate and you’ll probably feel it in your glutes.
So there you have it! Five workouts plus a warmup that on-water rowers use to improve their rowing results by building both their endurance and their speed.
Whew! We’re sweating just thinking about these row machine workouts. If you try one we’d love to hear how it goes; drop a comment below!
And we’re always looking to help you with your fitness, nutrition and mindset challenges, so let us know what’s on your mind and we’ll cover it in a future post.
For further reading:
FREE: 5 rowing workouts to build your fitness in 5 key areas
Rowing workouts of all types and for all goals: Our book: 101 Best Rowing Workouts
Need help getting started with rowing? Our RowNow beginner rowing program is perfect.
Test your newfound endurance skills with our 10 ways to kill a 10K row.
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Do you have videos of the s4 monitor set up…I’m not catching on with how to program for time and distance intervals
Hi Colleen, Absolutely! We’ll put that together for you.