A 2000 meter race. Just the thought strikes fear in the hearts of indoor rowers. As sprinting on the SkiErg grows in popularity it’s likely to do the same for indoor skiers. Fear not, intrepid athletes! With a good SkiErg strategy, hopefully paired with a strong training plan, the 2k ski is an entirely doable distance for most people.
As always, before attempting a sprint of this distance you will want to be sure you’re warmed up. Give yourself 1000-2000 meters to warm up, either on the rowing machine or the SkiErg. Once you’ve got a sweat starting to roll, switch to the SkiErg if you’re on the rowing machine and do 1-3 practice SkiErg racing starts. Follow the 1/2, 1/2, 3/4, full stroke formula followed by 10 strokes at race pace, then ski easy for a minute. Do this no more than three times.
Stretch and hydrate, and don’t forget to visit the restroom if you need to.
For the actual sprint, try this strategy. Optimally you would practice it and see how it feels before you do your “official” race. But even if you’re doing this without the benefit of rehearsal, this is a solid plan that should get you through in fine fashion.
2k Skierg strategy
Here’s a SkiErg strategy to try: Set the monitor for a 2000 meter piece (Select Workout>Standard List>2000m). Do a racing start followed by 10-20 hard strokes and then hold your pace. Take a hard 10 strokes to stay focused every 500 meters. With 250 meters to go, give it all you’ve got!
Ski easy for at least 3 minutes when you’re done to give your heart rate a chance to come down. Once you’ve caught your breath, get off and stretch.
Record your time in your Concept2 logbook and pat yourself on the back for a job well done!
If you need help on technique, Concept2 has what you need in their SkiErg technique video.
Questions on racing starts? Watch the video below, then post any questions in the comments. Most important of all, HAVE FUN, and let us know how you did!