Need a Valentine’s Day playlist for your indoor rowing workout? We’ve taken the work out of it and put one together for you. It’s a digital mixtape of upbeat songs about love, although not necessarily “love songs.” A pretty eclectic mix, we’re happy to say. Follow the list on Spotify, or listen in on the player below.
The list is always a work in progress, in fact we’ve added songs even since publishing this post! If you have other tunes you’d like to nominate for inclusion tell us in the comments. We’d love to add more tunes.
Happy Valentine’s Day!!
The Ucanrow2 We <3 Valentine’s Day playlist
any chance you could post this to Spotify? It’s great 😉
Thanks Sandy! It’s there, you should be able to see it. Here’s the direct link: https://open.spotify.com/user/126025448/playlist/3gO324ivHfZZm44m9Ha8Eu. Happy Valentine’s Day!