Marketing Tip: Instagram Video vs. Vine

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Instagram is a great tool to make your fitness-related content more visualThe social media world is abuzz with the latest salvo in the who’s-trendiest wars: Instagram, a recent Facebook acquisition and super-fun photo sharing space (we think) has come out swinging against Vine, which is owned by Twitter and brought microvideo to microblogging.

Vine has quickly made an impression with its easy-to-create 6-second videos.  So much so, in fact, that Instagram has announced its version, which gives you an expansive (by comparison) 15 seconds to play with.

If you’re not all that familiar with any of these tools the key point from a marketer’s point of view is that they make it easy to use your smartphone to make your communication more visual, one of the most important steps to getting noticed and creating content that gets shared online.

As we often point out during the marketing discussion in our Programming Intensive course,  there will always be more platforms from which to execute your social media strategy (you have one, right?) than you will ever have time for.  So instead of trying to do it all, pick what works and what you’re willing to stick with.  Test-drive the newcomers that appeal to you and see if you like them, then readjust accordingly.

Chris Brogan, an excellent social media strategist, makes this point better than we could in his column comparing Facebook/Instagram and Twitter/Vine.  Worth a read.

Want to see how we use these social media tools?  On Instagram and Vine you can find us under UCanRow2.  Here are some of our other links:


etc., etc…

We want to follow you!  Post links to your social media accounts so we can see what you’re doing.  PS: Don’t forget to share content you like – sharing is caring!

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