Are you on Twitter? We hope so! Want retweets? Yes you do because the more your content is shared the more impact and following you will have.
We’ve said before that you need to keep your tweets to 120 characters or less to make it easy for people to simply RT and go. New data from social media researcher Dan Zarrella gets even more specific: 110-115 characters is the sweet spot.
Zarrella researched more than 1 million tweets and found that those in the 110-115 range were 34 percent more likely to be retweeted than those out of that range. Shorter isn’t better though, FYI. You’re still aiming to be informative, so feel free to let it rip up to that range.
So with that update, here are our updated 3 Keys to Success for Marketing on Twitter:
1. Keep your tweets to 120 characters or less, and preferably 110-115
2. Include photos with your tweets where it makes sense (people love to share those)
3. Use hashtags to help people find your content (#rowing, #concept2, #indoorrowing #skierg are some of the ones we use often). Take it easy with those though, hashtags count in your character total.
Are you on Twitter? Follow the UCanRow2 Twitter feed to stay up-to-date on what we’re doing. Share your Twitter name with us in the comments so we and other readers can follow you, too!
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