Updated August 5, 2024
WHAT’S YOUR biggest goal related to rowing? Would you like to use rowing for weight loss? If so, you’re in great company! “Lose weight rowing,” “rowing machine weight loss,” and similar terms are always high on Google searches related to the total-body, low-impact rowing machine.
The great news is that weight loss with rowing is absolutely doable. And it doesn’t need to take hours and hours a day.
Indeed, 30 minutes or so a few days of the week is plenty to make progress towards your health and fitness goals.
There’s no research on rowers’ fitness goals, but judging by the posts in our Facebook group and elsewhere, weight loss is a top reason for many for getting on a machine.
Furthermore, many of the people who do our RowNow rowing training plan for beginners also come to it with a weight loss goal.
That’s a smart place to start, because RowNow eases you into the beginner rowing workout and teaches you good rowing technique from the start.
It’s safe to say, if rowing for weight loss is a goal of yours, you have LOTS of company!
Want more tips and motivation to use rowing to lose weight? Sign up for our rowing and weight loss newsletter!
Are Rowing Machines Good for Weight Loss?
Rowing is low-impact and at the same time, it targets 86 percent of your muscles on every stroke, allowing you to burn as much as 800 calories per hour or more.
So it’s efficient, effective, and safe, especially when you do it with a certified instructor. That’s a magic combination when it comes to workouts for weight loss.
Countless people in our UCanRow2 community are rowing machine weight loss success stories. They’ve used rowing-based workouts as one of their main activities to lose weight and keep it off. Me included!
Jump over here if you want to read more about how I lost nearly 50 pounds and what I learned from the experience.
How to Use a Rowing Machine for Weight Loss
We often hear from people whose rowing weight loss strategy is to row as many meters as they can. The more meters, the better, they figure.
That’s great if it works for you, but it may not be what works well over time, and there are definitely some important factors to consider in implementing such a strategy.
A decade ago, my approach to rowing and weight loss was to row as many meters as I could, as many days of the week as I could.
If I’m completely honest, hours and hours of straight cardio was probably never the right thing. It just worked in the beginning because I was moving consistently.
Here’s the deal: Particularly when you’re rowing for weight loss purposes, doing hours and hours of steady-state training can be counterproductive.
Whaaaat? You mean my 20k-a-day-every-day strategy isn’t a winner?
Quite possibly not, especially over the long haul, and especially as you get older or go through menopause.
Here’s the problem with that kind of “chronic cardio” when your goal is rowing for weight loss:
- It doesn’t help build significant strength as much as resistance training does, and strength training paired with rowing is the mac daddy for weight loss success.
- Even though rowing is a great calorie burner, it’s still easy to eat back those calories – and more – if you’re not careful. Especially since rowing can make you really hungry. The laws of thermodynamics haven’t changed, friends. To lose weight you need to create a calorie deficit.
- Rowing is a repetitive motion as well as being a great total-body non-impact activity. Too much of a good thing is still too much. I dealt with a lot of tennis elbow when I was rowing 2+ hours a day back when I initially lost my weight. All these years later, it still comes back on occasion when I go too hard.
- Particularly as we age, too much exercise can be perceived by the body as a stressor. The body doesn’t distinguish between “good stress” and “bad stress.” If you’re menopausal or dealing with other issues where stress management is critical, you really want to pay attention to this.
So if your “Just Row” weight loss workout plan won’t get you there, what will?
Especially as we get older, we need to work our bodies in different ways in order to maximize our weight loss and to best build our fitness.
So while in the beginning you may be successful losing weight by doing the same workout over and over, you’re likely to make MORE progress if you broaden your rowing weight loss workout routine.
How Much Rowing to Lose Weight?
That’s one of the top questions people ask about rowing and weight loss.
Before I say anything more, a reminder that nutrition is the true driver of weight loss. Workouts are a passenger in that car, along with other factors like sleep, stress management, and recovery.
That being said, rowing is a GREAT workout for weight loss, particularly if you’re looking for a total-body, low-impact option.
How much you should row depends on where you are in your fitness journey.
If you’re here I’m going to assume you are either a rowing fan, or you’re at least pretty curious about how it might be able to help you lose weight.
Think of your workouts as a pyramid.
Use This Workout Weight Loss Hierarchy
On the bottom is CONSISTENCY:
Consistency is more important than anything else, especially if you’re just getting started with rowing or workouts. Before you worry about anything related to time, intensity, type of workout, or anything else, step one is just to get consistent, even if that’s one workout a week to start.
Work your way towards 3-5 workouts per week. If you’re younger than 40 or menopause isn’t in the picture you can probably do more, but everyone needs at least one day off per week.
Above frequency is INTENSITY:
To lose weight you have to break a sweat, regularly. And be willing to get a little uncomfortable with it. Like go to a place where you’re working hard and you’re glad when you get to stop. Not on every workout, but your body needs that challenge.
At the top is VARIETY:
Mixing up your workouts, doing a little bit of steady-state rowing, some intervals, and eventually adding in strength work, will keep you interested and coming back, and also give your body continual challenge that will help keep your metabolism moving.
How Long to Row To Lose Weight?
The answer is definitely individual.
Here’s what I’ve learned from my own experience and that of my clients over the years:
To start to see really good results you’ll need to get up to about a half hour or more of rowing 3-5 days a week. This should be at a pace where you’re sweating but can still answer a question in a few words. You can talk, but you’d rather not.
If you’re just getting started with rowing or with fitness, start with 5 to 10 minutes on the machine and build up from there. Add a minute every workout or every other workout until you’re up to 20 to 30 minutes of rowing steadily at a time.
[Want an easy way to do that? Check out the Steady-State Series inside of UCanRow2 on Demand! There are row-along workouts all the way from 7 minutes up to 30!]
Assuming your nutrition is dialed in, you should start seeing results of either weight loss, strength building, or both once you are rowing consistently a few days a week.
Our Best Tips to Lose Weight Rowing:
- SOME steady-state, moderate-intensity, longer rows yes, one or two workouts a week.
- Higher-intensity workouts. The kind that get you really breathless and that you can’t do for very long. Think a few minutes of rowing hard followed either by an easy-rowing (paddle) break or getting off the machine and doing other exercises or stretches. One or two of these a week will give you all kinds of fat-burning benefits. Want more help with HIIT rowing workouts? Check out our HIIT rowing workouts guide here.
- Strength training off the machine: Your bodyweight is a great place to start for this, but also adding additional weight with dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells or machines if you have them. You don’t have to get fancy though. Soup cans or milk jugs filled with water or sand make good weights, too. Our RowStrong rowing and strength training program is the PERFECT answer for how to build this in safely and effectively.
- A good amount of NEAT aka non-exercise activity thermogenesis. That’s just plain no-sweat movement to you and me. Walking, fidgeting, super easy rowing (not at all breathless), no-sweat peddling on a BikeErg or other stationary bicycle are all great options here. That 10k-steps-a-day goal you have programmed into your fitness tracker? It fits here. So does stretching and restorative yoga. The more the better on this one.
- Don’t forget the rest! Resist the temptation to work out 7 days a week. Your body needs rest and recovery, too. That’s when your muscles rebuild from the strain you intentionally put them under during your workouts.
Keep this mantra in mind: “You progress in the rest.”
Plan on at least 1-2 days of rest per week and as many as 3 depending on how hard you’re going in your workouts
Remember this mantra for better fitness results: “You progress in the rest.” Share on X
How can you tell if you need more rest? If you’re feeling tired all the time, if your results in the gym go down rather than up, if your sleep quality declines, if your previously easy workouts consistently feel hard, if you’re super sore all the time. More info on overtraining here.
- Get Your Zzzzs: You’ve heard a million times that sleep is essential for so many of our body’s functions and processes to work their best. It’s just as true for weight loss.
If you’re not getting adequate sleep losing weight will be SO much harder. So make bedtime and sleep hygiene a priority! Want more help with this? Check out this interview we did with a sleep expert.
Want a customized nutrition plan from a coach who’s certified in both nutrition AND rowing? Check out our private nutrition coaching!
3 Great Workouts to Lose Weight Rowing
Ok! So what rowing weight loss workouts can you do to get started down the road to a lighter you?
[As always, check with your doctor before beginning any rowing program and be sure that you are cleared to do this exercise.]
If you’re a beginner at rowing
If you’re brand new to rowing, start by rowing just for 3-5 minutes at a time. Then get up, stretch, grab a drink, and see how you feel.
Work your way up to doing 3 rounds of 5-6 minutes, maybe trying a few harder strokes along the way.
Once that feels comfortable, and you can row for 20-30 minutes without stopping, you are ready to move on to more.
For that long workout we mentioned above, set a goal of getting to where you can row 30 minutes to an hour at a moderate pace.
Pop in your headphones and your favorite tunes or a movie. Row steadily at a pace where you could talk but don’t want a long conversation.
If you’d like to break that workout up to keep it interesting, try working up to doing 3 rounds of 10 minutes of rowing with 5 to 10 minutes of easy rowing recovery time in between.
Mix up your rowing machine weight loss workouts to make more progress faster!
Variety is the spice of life and the antidote to boredom. Do, however, try to do the same type of workout on the same day each week.
Having a framework like that has been shown to support fitness.
Once you’re feeling more comfortable with your rowing and are ready to progress, mix in some interval training (the undefined rest feature on the Concept2 rowing machine makes this easy).
For starters try:
Workout 1
1-3 rounds of 5-10 minutes of rowing at 22-24 strokes per minute
10 push-ups
10 high knees
10 sit-ups
Workout 2
Terrific Tens (From our book 101 Best Rowing Workouts)
1-5 Rounds
Row 2 mins.
10 crunches
10 squats (with a TRX or other support if needed)
10 push-ups (off a wall or box if needed)
If you have weight equipment available try:
workout 3
1-3 Rounds
Row 1000 meters
10 dumbbell presses
10 bicep curls
10 dumbbell lateral raises
10 bodyweight or weighted squats
Want more help with rowing machine weight loss?
- Get rowing and weight loss tips straight to your inbox for free!
- RowNow is our row-along course for beginners. If you’ve ever said, “I just started rowing, now what do I do?” this course is for you.
- RowReady on Demand is our intermediate program for anyone who wants a comprehensive, done-for-you way to master the rowing machine and the perfect follow-up to RowNow. Buy both programs together and save!
- RowStrong is our rowing + strength training course. Perfect if you have some experience with rowing and are ready to add strength training to the mix
- Our on-demand row-along workouts give you all the variety you need to stay consistent with your workouts (the NUMBER ONE key to using rowing for weight loss) at a super affordable price
- Lose weight and feel great in menopause and beyond Weight loss is definitely possible during and after menopause, you just have to pay attention to more things to make it happen at this stage. Get evidence-based tips to help delivered straight to your inbox. by joining our menopause email list.
- Private rowing and nutrition coaching The best and fastest way to lose weight rowing is with a solid nutrition program that supports your rowing. We have coaches with certifications in both rowing and nutrition.
What questions do you have on this topic? Drop them in the comments, we’d love to help!
I am wanting to use my rower to strengthen the muscles around my knees and lower back. I am over weight. Where do i start?
Welcome Arlene! Rowing is a total-body, non-impact activity so just using the machine will help you strengthen those areas! Follow the workouts that are listed here for starters, and if you’d like more help jump into our free RowStrong group on Facebook! Also feel free to contact us via email, info AT ucanrow2.com.
I go 2 time morning 30 min then back at night 30 min 7 days a week I feel good I 57 years old
Hi Andrew! Wow that’s a lot of work! You might find that you need to take a rest day or two over time, but if you’re feeling good and still getting the results you want. keep it up!
Hi I have just started rowing, am overweight. But I am really enjoying it and I don’t want to have to stop. But I am getting a few issues with I think tennis elbow how do you overcome that and still keep up the rowing.
Hi Margaret!
Welcome to rowing, it’s so great that you’re here! I feel your pain, literally! That happened to me quite a bit when I was rowing loads and loads of meters every day. A couple of thoughts:
1. If you’re rowing a lot, it may be a matter of overuse. The problem with rowing (really one of the few downsides) is it’s a repetitive motion. So if you’re doing too much of it as someone new to the stroke, you may be paying for it in muscle strain.
2. Check if you’re gripping the handle too hard. That can go straight to your elbows as well. Imagine that you’re holding two birds when you grip the handle. You don’t want to crush them, but you don’t want them to fly away, either.
3. You may be pulling early with the handle and thus taking more of the stroke with your arms than you should. The rowing stroke starts at your feet, not your hands. The sequence is Legs-Body-Arms as you drive back (and Arms-Body-Legs as you go back up to the front of the machine). One quick way to tell if you’re doing that is to either video yourself or watch yourself row in a mirror. If you see your arms and legs bending at the same time, you know something is out of order! Here’s a quick video on that: https://youtu.be/Qg4NLtqQRE4
Hope that helps, let me know how you get on!
– Sarah
I row 20,000 metres a day six days a week , I do weight training with a trainer three days a week , I am female 71 years old with two total knee replacements, not losing much weight though but I look trimmer and do not look like your typical 71 year old woman . I recommend rowing …
Wow Sylvia, what a great testimonial for the benefits of rowing!! So glad to have you along for the ride, thank you so much for sharing. Row on!! Sarah