Exercise Snacks: Easily Stay Fit in a Busy World

  Exercise Snacks: Easily Stay Fit in a Busy World   In the hustle and bustle of daily life, finding time to fit in a full workout can often feel impossible.    Whether you’re traveling, swamped with work and life, or juggling multiple responsibilities, the struggle to prioritize fitness is real.    This is a…

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5 Tips to Stick to Your Workout Plan Through the Holidays

5 Ways to Stick to Your Workout Plan Through the Holidays   Ah, the holiday season – a time of joy, celebration, and, let’s be honest, a fair share of indulgence.    Between the family gatherings, festive feasts, and the hustle and bustle of holiday preparations, finding time for your regular workout can feel like…

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How to Choose The Right Free Online Workout For You

How to know if that free online workout is right for you Last updated July 25, 2023   How many times have you looked at a rowing or other free online workout somewhere online and thought, “Is that free online workout good for me to do?” “Will it be challenging enough,” or more importantly, “Can…

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Crush the Gym With A Rowing Workout Warm Up

Let’s talk workout prep! What’s your typical workout warm up?

If you’re like most people, you spend less than 5 minutes doing something where you’re randomly moving, probably paying more attention to the TV, a magazine, or your friend on the machine next to you than you are actually preparing for your workout.

Don’t waste the warmup! It’s super important, both physically and mentally. Try these and get ready to go fast!

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The Best Warmup to Do Before a Rowing Workout

Let’s talk workout prep! What’s your typical workout warm up?

If you’re like most people, you spend less than 5 minutes doing something where you’re randomly moving, probably paying more attention to the TV, a magazine, or your friend on the machine next to you than you are actually preparing for your workout.

Don’t waste the warmup! It’s super important, both physically and mentally. Try these and get ready to go fast!

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Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You

  Fitness inspiration thought for the day: Want to get noticed? Make sure you stand out.   And don’t be afraid to do it!   Fitness isn’t just for the young or traditionally fit, and many times those of us who don’t fit the mold are the ones who can MOST inspire others to make…

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3 Reasons to Consider a Rest Day

When was the last time you took a rest day or an even longer break from your workouts or your regular routine in another way?  Like the kind where you literally DO NOTHING, and you planned it that way. If your answer is “Uhhh, I don’t remember my last rest day,” or “training breaks are for wusses,” this is your invitation to rethink that. Here are 3 good reasons why you should take a look at it.

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Rowing Workouts for the Dog Days Challenge

The Concept2 Dog Days of Summer Challenge has begun! This one starts out easily, with a goal of only 10,000 meters total skied or rowed in the whole week. Easy peasy compared to the 40,000-meter target you have to hit in the last week of the month. As with all of Concept2’s online challenges, it’s a good idea to have a strategy for how you’re going to approach the month. Covering the week’s distance in one go is one option. But if you’re a rowing instructor with classes to teach or you like more variety in your SkiErg and indoor rowing workouts, try splitting up the distance over several workouts. Here are a couple of sample workouts we’ve done at the UCanRow2 Bodyshop. Read more…

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Upcoming Indoor Rowing Certification

Get your sweat on and get certified! Certified indoor rowing instructors have increased credibility and marketability. Why? Because their students get the optimal results that come from rowing their best. See the list of upcoming trainings here.

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Row Like an Olympian: Favorite Rowing Workouts From a London Medalist

Indoor rowing is hotter than ever! Awesome, but where do you begin if you’re just getting started with the sport? And what about if you’re ready to ramp it up? We asked Natalie Dell O’Brien for her thoughts. She ought to know, she was in the first boat ever to medal for the US in the women’s quad sculls event, at the London 2012 Olympic Games. Check out her story, and some suggested rowing workouts.

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Meters and More Rowing Workout

The Concept2 Fall Team Challenge has begun!  From now until Oct. 15th, join or create a team and row as many meters as you can. We have lots of meter munching SkiErg and rowing workouts and will be posting more, but here’s one we did to kick it off.  Lots of meters, plus variety, and…

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5 Keys to Nailing the Half-Marathon Row

So you want to row a half marathon… “They did it at The CrossFit Games,” you say to yourself. Or maybe Concept2’s Global Marathon Challenge has hit your radar screen. It’s definitely a doable goal, but you’ll need to train for it and have a strategy in place for when the big day comes. You’re looking at spending a couple of hours on the rowing machine (or SkiErg) so preparation is key.

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Rowing Technique: Dial in Your Damper Setting

Updated August 6, 2020         How many times have you walked over to the rowing machine at the gym and found the damper set at 10, or put it there yourself?  If rowing seems like a whole lot of pain and very little gain, that may just be why.   Experienced rowers,…

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Beat Boredom With a Playground Rowing Warm Up

Does the sound of yet another 3k rowing warm up make you want to stick needles in your eyes? Or has your usual warmup turned into a chatfest because your students are getting a little too comfortable with the steady-state routine? Boredom is the enemy of progress, even in the warmup. Mix it up! Try getting outside and back on the “playground” for your next rowing workout warm up. Off-erg warmups in general are a super smart – and super fun – way to get your athletes prepped and sweaty for a good SkiErg or rowing workout. Read more…

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Your Rowing Technique Mantra: Legs, Body, Arms – Arms, Body, Legs

Indoor rowing sometimes gets a bad rap, and so does rowing technique. Too often people make rowing sound much harder than it has to be, both in terms of the effort needed to get results and the technique required to get there.  Sure, there are some finer points to rowing technique that can make it challenging, but that’s all part of the fun and shouldn’t scare you.

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Candlelit Rowing, Hurricane Sandy Style

Guest post by Shoshana Pritzker, RD, CDN of ShoDelicious, Superstorm Sandy survivor and a new Concept2 indoor rower You know what really stinks about storms like Superstorm/Hurricane Sandy? Being stuck in your house without power, light, or cable entertainment. Back in my Florida days we’d have hurricane parties to pass the time. Friends would bring…

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10 Fitness Apps to Rev Up Your Workout and Boost Performance

If it’s true that rowing is the ultimate cross-training sport (and of course we heartily agree with that idea), then there must be other fitness activities that are worth doing, or that are great cross training for rowing – like cycling.   And anything worth doing is worth tracking, especially if you’re looking to improve your…

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Bob Harper’s Six Weight Loss Rules

Say what you will about The Biggest Loser (and we’ve definitely got our opinions about the show and the extreme levels of exercise it prescribes, along with the quality of the rowing training), trainer Bob Harper has had great success helping people on and off the show lose weight over the years. He’s out today with…

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Biggest Loser Rowing: Get Certified and Be the Biggest Winner

It was a big night of rowing last night on The Biggest Loser.  It’s about time!  First the contestants had to row a 10k piece for their challenge, then the last chance workouts included a number of meters, too, most courtesy of recent CrossFit convert and Biggest Loser trainer Bob Harper. This kind of exposure…

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Is Using Calories to Track Your Workout a Good Bet?

  We often hear people say they go into the gym with a goal of burning X calories on the cardio equipment, be it on the treadmill, rowing machine, elliptical or in a CrossFit WOD.  And we often tell them, that’s great, as long as you’re a 5’10”, 150-lb. man.  If not, you’re probably getting…

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